The Heights Holiday Market Returns for Third Year in a Row on Saturday, December 7
It’s that time of year again. There’s a chill in the air and buzz in the neighborhood for the highly anticipated return of the third annual Heights Holiday Market on Saturday, December 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Riverview Park. With more than 150 curated vendors, a festive food court, and tons of extras along the way, this free event has quickly solidified itself as the cornerstone holiday affair in Jersey City Heights. Here’s what you can expect from this year’s event:
- Snag a pic in our vintage camper photo booth from Metro Photo Bus. Sponsored by the City of Jersey City with support from Councilman Yousef Saleh
- A special performance from the Sarafina’s dance crew at 11 a.m. to welcome Santa to the park! Sponsored by the Tutu School of Jersey City Heights
- Visit with Santa in the gazebo for family photos, pets are welcome, too! 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Sponsored by Ichiban To-Go / Ichiban Japanese Catering
- Sip while you shop with holiday spirits from Fox & Crow
- Don’t miss our limited edition JC Heights tote bags for sale at the main info tent! All proceeds benefit the Riverview Farmers Market.
- DJ Lucy Euclid and DJ PreSkool will be filling the park with holiday ambiance. Sponsored by the Riverview Neighborhood Association (RNA)
- Grab an exclusive S’mores Hot Cocoa from Busy Bee Organics
- Stop by the Sol Spirit Yoga & Wellness booth for free gift wrapping
- RNA will also have a table that offers kids activities, free games and prizes, and face painting by donation (suggested $10)

This year, we are excited to welcome the following list of vendors to the Heights Holiday Market:
Food & Beverage Vendors.
Artisans and Makers.